showing 15 games

name arrow_upwardpublisher(developer)yeartags
Will of Fortune author1987 1980s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 68k binarycolor currency earth fangame gameshow leveleditor naturalistic osclassic shopping tvgameshow tvseries wordgame labelminimizeminimize
Wheel of Fortune: Featuring Vanna White GameTek (Manley & Associates)1992 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 3.5disk 68k color-8bit consoleclassix cpu-68000 currency earth macos6 naturalistic osclassic shopping tvgameshow tvseries wordgame labelminimizeminimize
Wheel author1986 1980s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 68k binarycolor currency earth fangame gameshow naturalistic osclassic shopping tvgameshow tvseries wordgame labelminimizeminimize
Wacky Wheel author1990 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 68k binarycolor currency earth fangame gameshow naturalistic osclassic shopping tvgameshow tvseries wordgame wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Strange Disappearance author1988 23rdcentury 68k beamweapons binarycolor clickadventure cpu-68000 energyshields energyweapons extraterrestrial fangame future humanoids interactivefiction macos1 osclassic platformexclusive sbsworldbuilder space spacecraft spacecraft-location spacecraft-personal startrek tvseries wordinput labelimageminimize
Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy Simon & Schuster Interactive (Trans Fiction Systems)1988 23rdcentury 3.5disk 68k aliens beamweapons book cpu-68000 energyweapons extraterrestrial future humanoids interactivefiction macos3 militantprotagonist osclassic space spacecraft spacecraft-large spacecraft-location spacefaringage startrek teleport tvseries wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Transinium Challenge Simon & Schuster Interactive (Trans Fiction Systems)1989 3.5disk 68k commercial cpu-68000 digitizedimages license-proprietary macos3 spacecraft-location startrek tvseries labelminimizeminimize
Star Trek: The Next Generation - A Final Unity MicroProse (Spectrum Holobyte)1995 24thcentury 68k cdrom color-8bit cpu-68040 extraterrestrial future keyboard macos7 mouse osclassic startrek startrek-engine tvseries labelminimizeminimize
Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative Simon & Schuster Interactive1985 23rdcentury 68k beamweapons binarycolor cpu-68000 energyshields energyweapons future interactivefiction osclassic space spacecraft spacecraft-large startrek tvseries wordinput labelminimizeminimize
Star Trek: Judgment Rites MacPlay (Interplay)1993 68k cdrom clickadventure color-8bit extraterrestrial future macos7 osclassic startrek startrek-engine tvseries labelminimizeminimize
Phraze Craze Plus author1986 1980s 20thcentury 2ndmillennium 68k binarycolor currency earth fangame gameshow leveleditor naturalistic osclassic shopping tvgameshow tvseries wordgame labelminimizeminimize
Murder, She Wrote: Mystery Jigsaw Puzzles Centron Software Technologies1996 68k cdrom color-8bit earth jigsaw macos7 murdershewrote naturalistic osclassic traditional tvseries labelminimizeminimize
Les Guignols de l'Info ...LE JEU !  Canal+ Multimedia (in visio)1995 68k cdrom clickadventure color-8bit cpu-68030 macos7 osclassic ppc tvseries labelimageminimize
Hercules & Xena: Quest for the Scrolls Sound Source Interactive1995 68k cdrom color-8bit cpu-68040 heracles macos7 macos8 osclassic tvseries xenawarriorprincess labelimageminimize
Alarm für Cobra 11: Die Autobahnpolizei Software 2000 (Pixel Factory)1997 cdrom commercial crimefiction europe landvehicle latemodernperiod license-proprietary mouse osclassic ppc ppc601 present quicktime tvseries uvl-osversion labelminimizeminimize